Making the most of your School Jotter Website

Published: September 25, 2015

By Becky Cunliffe
There are many posts online about how to make a great website, and many similar posts on what to avoid; these tend to be fairly generic. In this blog I’ll summarise some of the key things that, in my opinion, should be considered, and what should be forgotten about, when it comes to school websites in particular.
My top tips:

  1. Remember the Purpose – It’s important to remember what the point of the website is. Is it to encourage parents to use your school? Is it a portal for parents? Is it for students to check for events?
    Remember you may have other systems or sites for these purposes, so link to them rather than try to fit it all on your website.
  2. Make it easy to find – Navigation is crucial and can lose visitors; if it is not easy to see where to go, they may give up.
  3. Planning – Rushing into the site may result in bulky pages, so always try to plan out what pages you are going to have and what should be on them. Don’t forget to use links to try and keep pages short, if they want more information they can go to the additional pages.
  4. Update it – Nothing discourages visitors more than finding an event being advertised that was over 5 years ago, as this creates the impression that the site may no longer be in use. Likewise, try to remove your old website from the web to stop parents ending up in the wrong place.
  5. Use colour – Try to not make the website a textbook. Add some relevant images or colour to the page, but do make sure your page is still readable and easy on the eyes.

I would strongly recommend avoiding the following:

  1. Sound – This can startle visitors and often they will simply mute their speaker. It also asks the question, why do you need that sound?
  2. Animation – Small gifs can be useful but try to avoid anything that changes the whole page, such as leaves falling down the page. This just causes annoyance when trying to view the page and can get in the way.
  3. Several-tiered menus – Keep your navigation to 1-2 submenus only. At a certain point the visitor may be lost, or if its a hover-over menu they may lose their place.
  4. Large files – Keep images, files, videos etc to a smaller size so visitors are not waiting on downloads.
  5. Too much info – Remember, a website is there to show information, but try not to overwhelm it with too many pages. Use the other Jotter Apps and any system or sites you may have, and try to remember what the purpose is of each to avoid duplication.

Latest Updates For School Jotter 2

Category: Development

Published: July 17, 2013

School Jotter 2 is being constantly developed, and the latest update has some interesting new features for users.
Existing users signing in now will see an updated file manager, that looks and feels easier to use. The file upload section now allows you to ‘drag and drop’ files, which makes adding files is simpler than ever before.

Plus, you can add a profile picture when you log in – making your log in to School Jotter 2 a little bit more personal!
If you’re not a School Jotter 2 user, contact us today to find out more about this innovative easy-to-use school website system – and find out the full range of features and benefits that come with it. Just fill in the form here.

New Features Released For School Jotter

Category: Development

Published: April 24, 2013

The latest update for School Jotter 2 is an exciting one: all School Jotter 2 users now have access to literally hundreds of clipart images!

The massive bank of images, accessible through your School Jotter 2 account, includes everything from images of the Ancient Romans to seasons, arctic animals to superheroes. You can use them either as part of classroom activities – or to enhance your School Jotter 2 school website.

To access the new School Jotter 2 bank of clipart images, just log in to your account, click on My Site from the top tabs, and then choose My Files from the Manage drop-down menu on the right hand side.  Your files should all appear in the window – but you’ll notice at the top of the window the new Clipart button.

Click on Clipart – and then you can choose from the hundreds of images throughout the dozens of categories on the left! You can download any of the images simply by clicking Download underneath your chosen image.
We’ve tried to cover popular topics being covered by classes this term – and also provide you with images that will enhance your school website. Of course – these are all free to the School Jotter user, to use whenever you want!

3 Tips for Building a Great School Website

Category: School Websites

Published: October 22, 2010

Sharing your school news with the world means nothing more than customising  a web page template with your text and pictures and adding your logo, right? Well, yes – but to create a truly polished site there’s more to think about! Here’s a few tips to help get you creating.
  1. Try and limit the number of colours – you really don’t want pages that include all the colours of a rainbow! Carefully considered colour schemes create harmony between the various pages of your website.
  2. Make sure your site pages are quick to load by resizing your picture sizes before you upload them. This is especially relevant for users with slower connections.  Also, think about creating a simple navigation system.  Draw a content map out before you start creating your pages. Web users will return if the site saves them time by being easy to navigate.
  3. Don’t place random hyperlinks throughout your page text and make sure all hyperlinks are created from existing body text, rather than entering the full URL of the destination page.

School Website Success | Webanywhere Blog

Published: October 20, 2010

Another happy Webanywhere customer!

We’re delighted that the South Wales Evening Post has included a good news story from one of our customer schools. The article is reproduced below.

“A LLANELLI primary is on the button when it comes to its website. Dafen school’s website has recently reached a significant landmark, receiving 15,000 hits on its home page — with just over 40,000 pages read. This feat has been achieved since the site went live in March 2009.

School ICT co-ordinator Stuart Jacobs said: “The website has been a great success since it first went live and continues to be a valuable asset to the school.”

The website celebrates the successes of the school, as well as being used as a communication tool for parents and pupils.

The company that supports the website — Webanywhere — recently awarded the site four stars, out of a possible five.”

Visit Dafen Primary School’s website for further details.

Website Updates & Redesigns | Webanywhere Blog


As you will have noticed we have now completely redesigned our main interface to provide clearer signposting of our main content areas. Over the next few weeks we’ll also be launching new versions of our product-specific microsites for Learnanywhere, Student Jotter, School Jotter, JotterCMS and Payschool.

We’ll be adding blog posts detailing new product functionality as when it’s available so why not bookmark this page.