Fantastic Social Media Tool for Teachers

Published: November 10, 2010

Teachers are becoming open to the possibilities for social media tools in the classroom. In the hands of the right educators, they can be used to engage in creative ways and inspire discussion among even the softest-spoken students. However popular social networking and content sharing sites such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are often blocked by schools because its content can’t be moderated – even though they can be a good source of high-quality teaching resources.
Student Jotter is a system for e-portfolios and secure social networking that enables teachers to incorporate safe, secure social media into their lesson plans. Teachers can share their lesson plans, quizzes, videos, podcasts and other resources in a shared library. A community section allows teachers and students to network and collaborate with other members who share the same educational interests.  Class discussions are no longer intimidating for some students to participate in.

Everything is hosted in the cloud for free. Some great tools are included:  An online gradebook, customised quizzes, secure messaging, classroom blogs, the ability to track assessment and a customised profile page.  Student Jotter also enables students to easily share their work projects with classmates.
The interface is easy to navigate and teachers can monitor and edit any of their students’ messages and blogs posts. They can also control how private they want the e-portfolio to be; student-and-teacher only,  allow parents to log in with a password, or make them publically available.
In summary, School Jotter is a better way for teachers and students to organise themselves, and a place to put their work.
Is your school using social media for teaching and learning? What resources do you use? Let us know by leaving a comment below!

5 Tips to Achieve Virtual Classroom Distance Learning

Published: October 21, 2010

A virtual classroom environment – available to anyone with a PC and an Internet connection – makes learning more interesting and accessible, yet still familiar to students, especially when the teacher uses recognisable classroom elements.
What You’ll Need:
  • Jotter or notepad
  • Lesson plan
  • PC
  • Webcam
  • Printer
  • Scanner

  1. Design your virtual classroom interface
  2. Create the website learning environment, equipped to enable students to log in and interact in real time using multimedia e.g. webcams, blogs and messaging. You can, of course, use a ready-made VLE or our own Primary Learning Platform – Learnanywhere!
  3. Provide a lesson plan to guide the home learning over the Internet. The plan should include the reading resources required to undertake the lesson or hyperlinks to online resources. Include to do lists and milestones to structure the classroom projects and homework assignments. If teaching is delivered online, provide the necessary links.
  4. Allocate projects to students and use multimedia to provide the teaching, discuss assignments and communicate with lessons. Projects can be completed individually or in teams, just like a physical classroom environment.
  5. Invest in a learning platform or application that enables quizzes and tests to be provided (unless your VLE provides this already). Many VLEs provide self-marking multiple choice quizzes that save time and money. Alternatively, contact Webanywhere, and let us explain the solutions we can provide!

Counting Down to the Spending Review

Published: October 19, 2010

As school managers will be aware, the Department of Education has been asked to prepare plans for cuts of between 10% and 20%. This would come to between £5.71bn and £11.42bn.
While it is now widely expected that front-line schools budgets (those received from local authorities via the Dedicated Schools grant,or DSG) will be protected from the worst of the cuts, the full impact on school spending will require very careful reading of the detail.

Of particular interest is the impact on ICT investments within schools. The cuts inevitably carry some threats to the modernisation of the teaching and learning profession – some projects have already been scrapped, including education facilitator BECTA.
On the other hand, there may be opportunities for schools to save costs and increase efficiencies – particularly in areas such as cloud computing, open source and even the prospect of local authority collaboration to achieve savings through sharing resources and/or technology expertise.
Whatever the outcome of Wednesday’s announcement, many schools will be looking very hard at the small print before making planning decisions for their next budget year.

School Web Design & CMS Special Offer

Published: July 19, 2010

School Web Design, CMS Special Offer

Take advantage of our special offers!!

One of the ways to help your school save money while obtaining a great bespoke website is to take advantage of our special offers. For a limited time, you can access the premium version of our school website design and our CMS School Jotter service for a discounted price.

Contact us today to see how these special prices can help you upgrade and improve your school’s website design.

Bespoke School Web Design And Content Management System

A bespoke school web design is a website that is specially designed for your specific school. It is a unique opportunity to get a great website design for schools in the UK.

A good primary school website design will help enrollment as prospective students and parents will see what your school is all about. What is more important is that no one else will have the same message or design as your school.

Your school website design will be unique to your institution and provide a positive message to all your website’s visitors. Our special programs, like CMS, ensure that your teachers and staff can manage, post, and communicate easily and effectively.

With ease of navigation, your school website design should attract and hold website visitors on site for a lot longer. Getting to know you is important if you expect the surrounding neighbourhood to send their children to your school.

If you tour the internet very often you can see many website design for schools in the UK that are in need of our special programs as well as our special offers. While many are good website designs tweaking and enhancing them is always a good move to make.

Keeping your school’s website design nice and fresh pleases the search engines and gets you a better ranking. That is where our special offers and programs come in.

They will help you tweak what you already have and make it more interesting, more fun to visit and engage prospective students and parents better. Take the time to utilize our special offer as you win in implementing it.

Attractive Templates And Numerous Useful Features And Add-Ons

Sometimes it can be difficult to come up with new ways to say what you want to say on your school website design. All the good ideas seem to be taken and not available. Trying to think outside the box may not fit your school’s image or reputation.

But do not worry, there is creative help. Once you sign on to our programs, you can take advantage of the many website design templates our company offers.

These templates help you create a more exciting website that is very interesting to read and look at. The templates also help you incorporate images and videos that capture the attention of parents as well as their children.

Make your school website design better by employing our special templates. Not only that but we also offer some great features that add a lot of pizzazz to the look of your website.

Plus, these features ensure that your website visitors can easily navigate to other pages seamlessly and quickly. Making exploring your website easier is a great way to rank and get more eyes on your school.

Finally, with our many add-ons, you can create a great website design for schools in the UK. Be unique, innovative, and creative all at the same time with our special offer and add-ons.

This is a unique opportunity for you to enhance your school’s image and reputation. Take it while the offer lasts and help your school stand out from the crowd. Just stay within reason and you should be fine.