With e-Learning, Less Is More | Webanywhere Blog

Published: March 24, 2014

In the first of a monthly guest post on www.webanywhere.co.uk, e-Learning Consultant James Norris explains why our new range of e-learning apps will help solve the issue of teachers’ lack of time.

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Virtual Classroom Platforms – A Comparison

Category: Breaking News

Published: March 5, 2014

A virtual classroom is one aspect of e-learning. As the name already indicates a virtual classroom essentially is a lesson (classroom) online where attendees from different locations log into a virtual space at the same time. Depending on the platform used, they are then able to listen to the trainer and are also able to interact with the trainer as well as fellow attendees.
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Jotter Learn & School Merits Now Available, App Store Launched

Published: March 4, 2014

Last Wednesday – 26th February – Webanywhere officially launched the two brand new apps, Jotter Learn and School Merits. These can now be purchased and integrated with your School Jotter website – or as standalone e-learning solutions.

We launched the apps with two webinars. Tracey Gentle, our trainer – and on-house CEOP Ambassador – talked about why the range of apps, the Jotter Suite, had been introduced. Tracey then explained how the new dashboard works, integrating your School Jotter website with Jotter Learn and School Merits, plus Blog and Forum, which will be available in about a month’s time.

Tracey provided a walk-through of both Jotter Learn and School Merits, showcasing how they are simple, easy-to-use solutions for engaging pupils and improving performance and attainment.
Every school that attended the webinar was entered into a prize draw to win the new apps, and we announced the winner – Barley Hill Primary School, Oxfordshire – at 5pm. Already a School Jotter user, we’ll look forward to seeing how they integrate Jotter Learn and School Merits into everyday teaching!
Following the launch, the App Store went live. This is where you can purchase any of the new apps, or just take a trial to see what you think. The App Store is accessible to anyone who has been upgraded to the new dashboard (find out more about the new dashboard here).
For School Jotter customers who have been upgraded to the new dashboard, our e-learning expert Keith Taynton has created a training video.
If you have any questions regarding the Jotter Suite, or any of the apps within it, get in touch with us here.

The UK’s Number 1 School Website System Gets A New Look

Published: February 17, 2014

Last month, we announced that two new e-learning products were on the horizon. School Merits and Jotter Learn were both unveiled at the BETT Show, in almost-finished form, and visitors to the Webanywhere stand had the opportunity to see how they could transform learning in schools.

This month, we announce our next development. School Jotter, the UK’s leading primary school website system, is to become part of a fully-integrated e-learning ‘suite’.

To begin with, all our existing customers who use School Jotter 2 – the second incarnation of the School Jotter system, launched in 2012 – will be upgraded to a new dashboard for free. Called the Jotter Suite, it’ll look something like the image above.
The Site button is where their School Jotter 2 website can be accessed. In other words, the website itself won’t change, or how it’s edited – more how it’s accessed. However, the messaging, admin and file storage features of School Jotter have been split off into separate apps, as you can see from the screenshot above.
Next – and this is where it all ties together – School Merits and Jotter Learn will both become available. They will both be accessible via the Jotter Suite dashboard, bringing with them apps for blogging and creating forums. School Merits and Jotter Learn will be available from 26th February,
Eventually, all Webanywhere products will be accessible via the Jotter Suite. It means one sign-in for all your e-learning needs, plus you’ll be able to transfer data between the different products, seamlessly. For example, soon, you’ll be able to download the progress reports of your class from School Merits direct to your School Jotter website system. Ultimately, it’ll save teachers time, give you more opportunities for integrating e-learning – and make learning online a more enjoyable experience.
If you’d like to find out more about the new Jotter Suite dashboard, or the new apps, sign up for the School Merits and Jotter Learn launch webinars on Wednesday, 26th February.
You can get all the details regarding the webinars here.

Webanywhere At BETT 2014 | Webanywhere Blog

Published: January 23, 2014

It’s day 2 at the BETT show, and we’re as busy as ever at stand F380.

If you’re at the show, here’s a few offers we’re running which you might want to take advantage of:

– We’re offering 50% off our popular primary school VLE, Learnanywhere, all day today if you come to the stand for a demo.

– You can claim a free Spellanywhere account if you track down one of our dinosaur mascots and have your picture taken with them. Just tweet the pic and tag @webanywhere_ltd and we’ll get in touch to set up your account. Steve Ding (pictured), our Head of Primary Division looks like he’s claimed his already!

– Our orange shirted experts are offering free LMS checks all day, come over and have a chat about your system, how it’s performing and where you might want to develop it in future.

– On the LMS topic, Keith Taynton is giving a seminar at the stand on “Flipped Classroom” later today at 3:00pm – no need to reserve a place, just drop by.

We’re really looking forward to meeting up with everyone at the show, and we’ll have something fresh to offer each day, so watch this space or keep an eye on Twitter: @webanywhere_ltd.



2014 Looks Exciting Already! | Webanywhere Blog

Published: December 31, 2013

Happy New Year from everyone at Webanywhere!

Before we crack open a bottle and welcome in the New Year this evening, we’d like to wish everyone, customers and non customers alike, the very best for 2014.

It looks set to be an exciting year already – and here are the three things we’re looking forward to the most…


School Merits

Our first brand new product for Primary schools since 2012 will allow you to track pupils’ progress, as well as make learning much more rewarding for your class. School Merits takes the avatar feature currently in Learnanywhere, our primary VLE, and takes it to the next level. Children will be able to buy clothes, accessories and even ‘donate’ the credits they earn through good work to charity. Sounds exciting doesn’t it! Find out more and register your interest at www.schoolmerits.com.

Design An Alien Avatar Competition

This month, we launched a joint competition with Planet Sherston. In a similar way to our own avatar competition in September, primary school children have been asked to create a character – this time an alien for the games-based learning world. If you’re on Twitter, keep an eye on the hashtag #DesignAnAlien for the latest news and see recent recent entries from schools around the country. If you’d like to enter your school or class, and stand a chance of winning a Planet Sherston subscription, click here.


The BETT Show

Who isn’t? Every year, we get to speak to thousands of teachers and ICT gurus at the show, and this time ’round it’ll be even more exciting. Not only is this the 30th Anniversary of BETT, but we’ll be unveiling School Merits for visits to try! Plus, smaller schools will have the opportunity to purchase a new, more affordable version of School Jotter. School Jotter Lite will contain many of the features that’s made School Jotter the UK’s leading Primary school website system, but without some of the less essential aspects. Find out more about School Jotter Lite by contacting us here.

If you’re looking forward to 2014 – let us know why! And of course, if you’d like to start the New Year with a new school website, or by using e-learning to engage pupils and promote e-safety, just get in touch! We’d love to hear from you.

But for now – Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas! | Webanywhere Blog

Published: December 24, 2013

As Christmas Day is almost upon us, everyone at Webanywhere would like to wish you and your school a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

2013 has been an eventful year for us, with changes in Ofsted/DfE requirements meaning we’ve spent more time working alongside, and helping, schools meet the necessary criteria with their website. It’s also been a year that has seen School Jotter become the UK’s most popular Primary school website system – and you can check out the new School Jotter website here.

So, we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone we have worked with in 2013 for their custom and support – you have helped us to continuously enhance our products and services, and our successes are because of you.

We have an exciting year ahead – beginning with the launch of our brand new rewards app, School Merits, which you can find out more about here. As always, we welcome your feedback, comments and suggestions about this exciting new product.

Sean Gilligan, our MD, recorded a message for our customers last week – you can watch it by clicking the link below.


See you in 2014!

BETT: The Edtech Event Of The Year Is Coming

Published: November 26, 2013

January 2013 saw thousands descend upon London’s Excel exhibition centre, discovering the latest in educational technology and seeing talks by Professor Brian Cox and Professor Sugata Mitra. January 2014 will see the BETT Show bigger and more of an experience than ever.

Why? Well, for a start the biggest event on the e-learning calendar will be hosting more content than ever before. 2014 is the 30th anniversary of BETT, so this January there will be more presentations and ‘fringe’ events, as well as three CPD-accredited Summits. Visitors will also get the chance to ‘try and test’ – with interactive demonstrations, free guidance and advice on using all the latest products that’ll make a real difference to learning.

Webanywhere will be in attendance as always – but BETT 2014 will be a landmark event for us, too. We’ll be using the show to launch a brand new product. We can’t say too much right now – but we’re confident it’ll revolutionise how our customers use our products – making them easier to use, more enjoyable to integrate into learning, and ultimately more rewarding for teachers and pupils. We’ll reveal more closer to the event.
If you’re considering a visit to BETT, get more information at www.bettshow.com.
You can keep an eye on Webanywhere product developments by regularly checking this blog, and www.newsanywhere.co.uk. You can also follow updates via our Twitter, @webanywhere_ltd.
The BETT Show 2014 will take place from the 22nd – 25th January, at Excel, London.

Webanywhere’s Upcoming e-Learning Events

Published: November 6, 2013

November is always a busy month for e-learning events – and for Webanywhere, it’s four weeks packed with calendar dates across the country!

Nurturing Online Learning is a series of events taking place (predominantly) in local primary schools. Many of these schools are winners of the Create Your Character Competition, and have kindly agreed to help out with the hosting of events.
Most of the events feature CEOP Ambassador and former teacher Tracey Gentle, who has a wealth of knowledge in e-learning, e-safety and Ofsted requirements for school websites. Tracey has already presented at two successful Webanywhere events, in Sheffield and Hull, and has helped schools meet Ofsted requirements for their website, as well as helping them to understand the benefits of e-learning better.

You can find out details about the events on our Events page over at Newsanywhere, but below you’ll find an overview of the Nurturing Online Learning sessions. All of these events are free for schools to attend. If you would more information, or wish to attend, email david.smith@webanywhere.co.uk.

Wednesday 13th November 9-11am

Nurturing Online Learning: Leeds

Rose Bowl, Leeds LS1 3HE

This event will cover e-safety and cyberbullying – both a big part of Ofsted inspections now. Tracey will take delegates through the facts and figures, and explain how schools can prevent and combat cyberbullying. The event will also cover broadband services and how schools can benefit from an internet service that allows them to control access for children and staff.

Thursday 21st November

Learn Learnanywhere 4-5.30pm

Holy Trinity Dobcross Primary School, Oldham OL3 5BP

A learning platform training session, giving a back-to-basics overview of using the Webanywhere learning platform, Learnanywhere.

Thursday 21st November 9.30am-12.30pm

Nurturing Online Learning: Devon

Wolborough Primary School, Newton Abbott TQ12 2JU

Devon’s Nurturing Online Learning event takes place at Wolborough Primary School near Newton Abbott, and will cover Ofsted requirements for school websites. This is a useful overview of essential information you will need to include on your website – and if you’re a School Jotter user, useful hints and tips on updating your website. There will also be a session covering e-learning in the classroom, which will cover ways to get the most from a learning platform.

Friday 22nd November 9.30am-12.30pm

Nurturing Online Learning: Wigan

Christ Church CE Primary School, Leigh WN7 4HB

Webanywhere’s e-Learning Consultant James Norris will present alongside Tracey Gentle at this event, covering e-safety in the classroom, and Ofsted requirements for school websites. There will also be a short presentation by Christ Church CE Primary School’s Clair Gornall about creating and managing a school website effectively.

Thursday 28th November, 3.15-5.515pm

Nurturing Online Learning: Essex

Westborough School, Westcliff-On-Sea SS0 5BS

Tracey Gentle will cover Ofsted requirements for school websites, giving an overview of how to update your website and the information you will need to include. Tracey will also cover integrating e-learning into everyday teaching, explaining how technology, and a VLE, can assist you in the classroom.

Friday 29th November, 9am-12pm

Nurturing Online Learning: Stoke

St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 7DG

Tracey Gentle will give an overview of cyberbullying and explain how schools can prevent and combat this growing problem. There will also be useful e-safety resources and information available, as well as an overview of using an e-portfolio system to promote e-safety, presented by Webanywhere’s e-learning consultant John Standhaven. Tracey will then cover Ofsted requirements for school websites, again giving an overview of how to update your website and the information you will need to include.

A big thank you to all our customers

Published: September 3, 2013

Our MD Sean Gilligan has recorded a video to thank our customers, both old and new, for all their support over the years as we reach our 10th birthday.

This is a big landmark for us, having come a long way in a decade. The company has grown quickly in the last few years, but we remain true to our founding vision and values – to innovate, to stretch beyond expectations, to create jobs, and to improve learning outcomes.

It is an exciting time in the educational technology sector, as online tools become the norm and are having an ever greater impact upon learning, and providing access to knowledge for all around the world. Here’s to the next ten years, to new markets, new innovation, new growth – but the same appreciation and regard for our customers, the core of our business.