100 Steps to Excellence for Outstanding Schools

Category: Ofsted

Published: July 12, 2024

Excellence in Schools Checklist

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on running an excellent primary school in the UK! Whether you’re an experienced headteacher or just starting in the education sector, this checklist will ensure your school is on the right path to success. We’ve covered everything from vision and leadership to curriculum, student wellbeing, and community involvement. Dive into each section to explore practical tips and best practices for fostering a thriving educational environment. Here’s to creating an outstanding primary school experience for every child!

Checklist for Running an Excellent School 

Below is a list of 100 areas to think about as you plan improvements within your school, conduct audits, and make your school outstanding:

1. Vision and Mission Statement: Evaluated under leadership and management, ensuring the school has clear aims and direction.

2. Leadership and Management:

•Strong, experienced leadership team

•Clear organisational structure

•Effective communication channels

•Regular staff meetings

Ofsted evaluates the effectiveness of leaders and managers in improving teaching, learning, and outcomes for pupils.

3. Staffing:

•Qualified and motivated teachers

•Support staff (TAs, admin, etc.)

•Regular professional development

•Performance appraisal systems

Considered under leadership and management, particularly how staff are developed and supported.

4. Curriculum:

•Comprehensive and balanced curriculum

•Adherence to national standards

•Integration of ICT in teaching

•Regular review and updates

The quality of education inspection focuses on the curriculum’s intent, implementation, and impact.

5. Teaching and Learning:

•Differentiated instruction

•Inclusive education practices

•Use of innovative teaching methods

•Regular assessments and feedback

Ofsted evaluates the effectiveness of teaching, learning, and assessment.

6. Student Wellbeing:

•Safeguarding policies

•Pastoral care system

•Anti-bullying measures

•Mental health support

Safeguarding is a key aspect, and Ofsted looks at how schools ensure pupils are safe and supported.

7. Parental Engagement:

•Regular parent-teacher meetings

•Parental involvement in school activities

•Effective communication with parents

•Support for parents (workshops, resources)

Parent and carer engagement is part of leadership and management, assessing communication and involvement.

8. Community Involvement:

•Partnerships with local businesses

•Community service projects

•Local cultural integration

•Open days and school events

Community links and cultural development can contribute to personal development and leadership assessment.

9. Facilities and Resources:

•Well-maintained buildings and grounds

•Modern classrooms

•Library and resource centres

•Sports facilities

Ofsted inspects the quality of resources and their impact on education.

10. Health and Safety:

•Regular safety drills

•First aid trained staff

•Up-to-date health and safety policies

•Secure school premises

Health and safety are essential for safeguarding evaluations.

11. Financial Management:

•Transparent budgeting process

•Effective allocation of resources

•Regular financial audits

•Fundraising initiatives

Effective financial management supports overall leadership and governance.

12. Technology Integration:

•Up-to-date hardware and software

•IT support services

•E-safety policies

•Digital literacy programs

Part of the quality of education, especially how technology supports learning.

13. Extracurricular Activities:

•Variety of clubs and societies

•Sports teams and competitions

•Arts and music programs

•After-school care

Evaluated under personal development, looking at opportunities beyond academics.

14. Environmental Awareness:

•Eco-friendly policies

•Recycling programs

•Outdoor learning opportunities

•Gardening projects

Environmental initiatives can contribute to personal development.

15. Student Voice:

•Student council

•Regular student surveys

•Opportunities for student leadership

•Feedback mechanisms

Pupil feedback and leadership opportunities are considered under personal development.

16. Continuous Improvement:

•Regular self-evaluation

•External inspections and reviews

•Action plans based on feedback

•Staff and student input on improvements

Continuous improvement reflects the effectiveness of leadership and management.

17. Inclusive Education:

•Support for SEN (Special Educational Needs)

•EAL (English as an Additional Language) programs

•Cultural diversity initiatives

•Accessibility accommodations

Inclusivity and support for diverse needs are crucial for quality of education and personal development.

18. Curricular Enrichment:

•Educational trips and visits

•Guest speakers

•Themed days and weeks

•Interdisciplinary projects

Enrichment activities contribute to the overall quality of education.

19. Data Management:

•Secure data handling

•Use of educational software

•Regular data analysis for improvement

•Data protection policies

Data management supports leadership, management, and accountability.

20. Governance:

•Active and knowledgeable governing body

•Clear governance policies

•Regular governor meetings

•Governor training and development

Effective governance is a critical aspect of leadership and management.

21. Professional Networks:

•Collaboration with other schools

•Membership in educational organisations

•Attending conferences and workshops

•Sharing best practices

Professional networks support continuous improvement and staff development.

22. Inspection Readiness:

•Preparedness for Ofsted inspections

•Documentation and evidence collection

•Familiarity with inspection frameworks

•Action plans based on inspection feedback

Inspection readiness reflects leadership’s proactive approach.

23. Early Years Provision:

•High-quality early years curriculum

•Well-trained early years staff

•Safe and stimulating environments

•Parental involvement in early years

Early years provision is a specific focus of Ofsted inspections.

24. Assessment Practices:

•Regular formative assessments

•Use of summative assessments

•Moderation of assessments

•Reporting of assessment outcomes

Assessment practices are crucial for evaluating teaching and learning effectiveness.

25. Homework Policies:

•Clear homework guidelines

•Age-appropriate assignments

•Support for homework completion

•Feedback on homework

Homework policies contribute to the quality of education and home-school links.

26. Transition Support:

•Support for new pupils

•Transition programs for Year 6

•Liaison with secondary schools

•Orientation activities

Transition support impacts personal development and pupil wellbeing.

27. Cultural Competence:

•Celebration of cultural diversity

•Multicultural curriculum content

•Support for bilingual students

•Anti-racism education

Cultural competence enhances personal development and inclusivity.

28. Performance Management:

•Clear performance criteria

•Regular performance reviews

•Professional development plans

•Addressing underperformance

Performance management supports leadership effectiveness and staff development.

29. School Policies:

•Up-to-date policies (behaviour, attendance, etc.)

•Regular policy review

•Policy accessibility for staff and parents

•Clear implementation guidelines

Policies are fundamental to leadership, management, and safeguarding.

30. Crisis Management:

•Crisis response plan

•Communication plan for emergencies

•Training for crisis situations

•Regular drills and evaluations

Crisis management ensures pupil safety and effective school operation.

31. Behaviour Management:

•Clear behaviour policy

•Positive behaviour reinforcement

•Consistent disciplinary procedures

•Support for behavioural issues

Behaviour management impacts personal development and school culture.

32. Academic Support:

•Tutoring programs

•Intervention strategies

•Learning support assistants

•Personalized learning plans

Academic support is essential for quality education and pupil outcomes.

33. Physical Education:

•Comprehensive PE curriculum

•Qualified PE teachers

•Regular physical activity opportunities

•Health and fitness education

Physical education contributes to personal development and wellbeing.

34. Library Services:

•Well-stocked library

•Trained librarian

•Regular reading programs

•Integration with curriculum

Library services support literacy and overall educational quality.

35. Arts Education:

•Art and music classes

•Opportunities for performance

•Art exhibitions

•Collaboration with local artists

Arts education is vital for personal development and creativity.

36. School Culture:

•Positive school ethos

•Respectful relationships

•Celebrations of success

•Clear values and expectations

A positive school culture underpins effective teaching, learning, and personal development.

37. Special Events:

•Annual sports day

•School fairs

•Holiday celebrations

•Graduation ceremonies

Special events enrich school life and community involvement.

38. Communication Strategy:

•Regular newsletters

•School website updates

•Social media presence

•Effective use of emails and letters

Effective communication supports leadership and parent engagement.

39. Professional Development:

•Ongoing training opportunities

•Support for further qualifications

•In-house training sessions

Professional development is critical for staff effectiveness and quality education.

40. Inclusivity Initiatives:

•Anti-discrimination policies

•Support for minority groups

•Inclusive curriculum content

Inclusivity initiatives ensure all pupils feel valued and supported.

41. Resource Management:

•Efficient use of resources

•Sustainable practices

•Regular inventory checks

Effective resource management supports overall school operations.

42. Homework Clubs:

•After-school homework support

•Quiet study spaces

•Access to resources and staff

Homework clubs help pupils succeed academically.

43. Volunteer Programs:

•Opportunities for community volunteers

•Training for volunteers

•Volunteer recognition

Volunteer programs enhance community involvement and school support.

44. Innovation in Education:

•Pilot new teaching methods

•Encourage creative thinking

•Integrate new technologies

Innovation supports continuous improvement in teaching and learning.

45. Career Education:

•Introduce career options

•Visits from professionals

•Basic career planning activities

Career education prepares pupils for future opportunities.

46. Attendance Monitoring:

•Robust attendance policies

•Early intervention for poor attendance

•Reward good attendance

Attendance monitoring impacts pupil outcomes and school performance.

47. Food and Nutrition:

•Healthy school meals

•Nutrition education

•Safe dining environment

Food and nutrition affect pupil health and wellbeing.

48. Parental Feedback:

•Regular surveys

•Parent forums

•Suggestion boxes

Parental feedback informs school improvement and engagement.

49. School Branding:

•Consistent school identity

•Logo and motto

•Positive public relations

School branding enhances community perception and engagement.

50. Eco-School Initiatives:

•Energy-saving measures

•Wildlife-friendly policies

•Environmental education

Eco-school initiatives promote sustainability and environmental awareness.

51. Staff Wellbeing:

•Support for mental health

•Work-life balance initiatives

•Staff appreciation activities

Staff wellbeing is crucial for effective teaching and leadership.

52. Learning Environments:

•Flexible classroom layouts

•Inspirational displays

•Comfortable furniture

Positive learning environments support pupil engagement and achievement.

53. Student Leadership:

•Leadership roles for students

•Leadership training programs

•Opportunities for student decision-making

Student leadership fosters personal development and school involvement.

54. Field Trips:

•Educational outings

•Safety measures for trips

•Follow-up activities

Field trips enrich the curriculum and provide experiential learning.

55. Professional Networking:

•Encourage staff collaboration

•Networks for different subject areas

•Sharing resources and ideas

Professional networking supports staff development and best practices.

56. Parental Workshops:

•Sessions on educational topics

•Workshops on parenting skills

•Technology usage guidance

Parental workshops enhance home-school collaboration and support.

57. Student Records:

•Accurate record-keeping

•Secure storage of records

•Regular updates

Effective student record management supports school operations and accountability.

58. Sustainable Practices:

•Reduce, reuse, recycle programs

•Environmental awareness days

•Green initiatives

Sustainable practices promote environmental responsibility.

59. Emergency Preparedness:

•Detailed emergency plans

•Training for all staff

•Regular practice drills

Emergency preparedness ensures pupil safety and effective crisis response.

60. Cultural Programs:

•Celebration of cultural events

•Cross-cultural education

•Partnerships with cultural organizations

Cultural programs enhance personal development and community engagement.

61. Language Programs:

•Foreign language instruction

•EAL support programs

•Language exchange opportunities

Language programs support linguistic development and cultural competence.

62. Health Services:

•Access to school nurse

•Regular health checks

•Health education programs

Health services support pupil wellbeing and readiness to learn.

63. Parent-Teacher Association:

•Active PTA involvement

•Fundraising activities

•Support for school events

PTA involvement strengthens community and parent engagement.

64. Safety Protocols:

•Clear safety procedures

•Regular safety audits

•Safety training for staff and students

Safety protocols ensure a secure learning environment.

65. Resource Accessibility:

•Easy access to learning materials

•Availability of online resources

•Inclusive access for all students

Resource accessibility supports diverse learning needs.

66. Civic Engagement:

•Participation in local events

•Encouragement of civic responsibility

•Engagement with local government

Civic engagement fosters community involvement and responsibility.

67. Outdoor Learning:

•Outdoor classrooms

•Nature-based learning activities

•Safe outdoor play areas

Outdoor learning enhances educational experiences and personal development.

68. Academic Competitions:

•Participation in academic contests

•Support for gifted students

•Celebration of achievements

Academic competitions promote excellence and pupil motivation.

69. Performance Arts:

•Drama and theatre programs

•Opportunities for public performances

•Collaboration with local theatres

Performance arts contribute to personal development and creativity.

70. Peer Mentoring:

•Peer support programs

•Training for peer mentors

•Regular mentoring sessions

Peer mentoring supports pupil wellbeing and academic success.

71. Language Arts:

•Strong literacy programs

•Regular reading sessions

•Writing workshops

Language arts are fundamental to quality education.

72. Financial Literacy:

•Basic financial education

•Practical money management activities

Financial literacy prepares pupils for future responsibilities.

73. STEM Education:

•Focus on science, technology, engineering, and math

•STEM clubs and activities

•Collaboration with STEM professionals

STEM education is essential for future skills and knowledge.

74. Global Awareness:

•Global education curriculum

•International partnerships

•Cultural exchange programs

Global awareness enhances pupils’ understanding of the world.

75. Cognitive Development:

•Activities that promote critical thinking

•Problem-solving exercises

•Cognitive skill assessments

Cognitive development supports academic success and personal growth.

76. Reading Programs:

•Regular library visits

•Author visits and book talks

•Reading incentives

Reading programs enhance literacy and a love for reading.

77. Drama and Theatre:

•School plays and performances

•Drama workshops

•Collaboration with local theatres

Drama and theatre contribute to personal development and creativity.

78. Sensory Integration:

•Sensory-friendly spaces

•Activities for sensory development

•Support for sensory processing issues

Sensory integration supports diverse learning needs.

79. Physical Health Programs:

•Regular physical check-ups

•Fitness programs

•Health and hygiene education

Physical health programs support pupil wellbeing and readiness to learn.

80. Counselling Services:

•Access to school counselor

•Emotional support programs

•Group therapy sessions

Counselling services support mental health and emotional wellbeing.

81. Digital Citizenship:

•Education on safe internet use

•Cyberbullying prevention programs

•Responsible digital behavior guidelines

Digital citizenship is crucial for safe and responsible technology use.

82. Creative Arts:

•Art and craft workshops

•Exhibitions of student artwork

•Integration of arts in curriculum

Creative arts enhance personal development and creativity.

83. Gifted Education:

•Programs for gifted and talented students

•Enrichment activities

•Acceleration opportunities

Gifted education supports high achievers and academic excellence.

84. Inclusion Programs:

•Support for diverse learning needs

•Inclusive classroom practices

•Sensitivity training for staff and students

Inclusion programs ensure all pupils feel valued and supported.

85. Robust Feedback Systems:

•Regular feedback from staff

•Student feedback mechanisms

•Implementation of feedback

Feedback systems support continuous improvement and pupil outcomes.

86. Collaborative Projects:

•Group learning activities

•Interdisciplinary projects

•Partnerships with other schools

Collaborative projects enhance learning and teamwork skills.

87. Ethical Education:

•Programs on ethics and values

•Encouraging ethical behaviour

•Discussions on moral issues

Ethical education promotes character development and responsible behaviour.

88. School Celebrations:

•Regular celebrations of success

•Annual school awards

•Celebration of diverse achievements

School celebrations enhance school culture and community spirit.

89. Leadership Training:

•Training for aspiring leaders

•Leadership development programs

•Opportunities for leadership roles

Leadership training supports staff development and school improvement.

90. Language Development:

•Speech and language support

•Literacy development programs

•Language-rich environment

Language development is crucial for academic success and communication skills.

91. Behavioural Support:

•Positive behaviour interventions

•Support for challenging behaviours

•Consistent behaviour policies

Behavioural support ensures a positive learning environment.

92. Environmental Education:

•Lessons on sustainability

•Eco-friendly school projects

•Outdoor environmental learning

Environmental education promotes sustainability and responsibility.

93. Intervention Programs:

•Early intervention for learning issues

•Targeted support programs

•Regular monitoring of progress

Intervention programs support pupils with additional needs.

94. Cultural Literacy:

•Curriculum that includes diverse perspectives

Cultural literacy enhances understanding and respect for diversity.

95. Parental Support Services:

•Resources for parenting

•Workshops for parental skills

•Family support programs

Parental support services enhance home-school collaboration and pupil success.

96. Modern Infrastructure:

•Up-to-date school facilities

•Comfortable learning environments

•Adequate technological infrastructure

Modern infrastructure supports effective teaching and learning.

97. Team Building:

•Team-building activities for staff

•Encouragement of collaborative teaching

•Regular team meetings

Team building enhances staff collaboration and school culture.

98. Effective Timetabling:

•Balanced school schedule

•Efficient use of time

•Flexibility for special programs

Effective timetabling ensures a well-organised and productive school day.

99. Continuous Feedback Loop:

•Regular feedback collection

•Implementation of feedback

•Continuous improvement culture

A continuous feedback loop supports ongoing development and school improvement.

100. Holistic Education:

– Focus on overall development

– Integration of arts, sports, and academics

– Emphasis on emotional and social growth

By focusing on these 100 areas, school leadership can create a robust framework for continuous improvement and educational excellence. Each aspect contributes to a well-rounded, supportive, and dynamic learning environment that caters to the diverse needs of students, staff, and the wider community.

Implementing this comprehensive checklist will not only ensure readiness for Ofsted inspections but also foster a culture of high standards and innovation. Leaders will be better equipped to manage resources efficiently, support staff development, engage with parents and the community, and promote student wellbeing and achievement.

Ultimately, this holistic approach will guide school leadership on their journey to becoming an outstanding school, delivering exceptional education and preparing students for future success. By committing to ongoing self-evaluation and embracing best practices, schools can achieve excellence and create a positive, enriching experience for every student.